Catching up...

So exciting! The paint has been flying, and there are canvases and papers everywhere. This artist is on a roll! 

Yup, I've been busy... painting almost every day for the past couple of months.

On Dec. 31, I recall saying I was starting a daily painting challenge – and wondering how long it would last in 2019... a couple of days... maybe even a week?

I look back and remember so many times of being blocked, bored, maybe even bitter... Sounds a little over-dramatic! But now I'm unblocked and productive, and having so much creative fun. How did this happen?

More importantly: how do I keep this creative train on the rails?

Stay tuned... I think I've finally got a handle on this thing called "artist's block". 

(Painting: "Tree Swing", 10x10", acrylic on canvas.)



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